Terry's GIS Studies and Transition to a New Career

Friday, January 17, 2020

Lab 2--Cartography

Today I finished Lab 2, Cartography, which taught me how to produce a map (with an insert) plus add essential elements of map information, which includes the legend, north arrow, bibliography, date, cartographer's name, etc.  This lab was truly fun and there was not much frustration to it. By doing and re-doing the labs, I have learned that steps that caused frustration are no longer frustrating me.

Along with another student, I served as the discussion leader for the class.  This entailed me completing the lab, offering tips and techniques, and then answering questions from the students. This is a very good technique for many reasons:  It forced me to learn more quickly; as a graduate student, it allowed me to serve at a higher level (plus higher expectations) than the undergraduate students; it provided more time for the professor to tackle more difficult problems; facilitated better communication and increased the likelihood that a student would ask for assistance because the discussion leaders are students, too, and are less "threatening" than approaching the professor.  All in all, this was a good week and I truly look forward to the next lab.

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