Terry's GIS Studies and Transition to a New Career

Monday, March 2, 2020

GIS 5007 Introduction

Well, I am beginning my third GIS course and my third course for this degree program. I look forward to learning about computer cartography, which will include Adobe Illustrator.

I joined this program because I am very interested in cartography. As a U.S. Army Infantryman, I was very reliant on maps and my ability to navigate. I developed a very keen interest in maps, so this was a natural fit for me. Additionally, the more I learned about GIS, the more I understood that its applicability is very wide and deep. It is not just about making maps, there are many other tools that use GIS as a base.

As I have stated before, I am very close to ending my 30+ years in the U.S. Army. All good things have to end and I have done my time...it's time for the younger folks to take over. Therefore, I wanted to obtain more technical skills, especially with regard to computers and information systems. Though I might regret it later, I am happy that I will learn some coding in future classes.

As part of this course, I had to create a story map on ArcGIS Online, much like the story map I created as part of my final project for GIS 5050. However, I did not use the Cascade version, but the newer version.

If you would like to look at my story map, it is at:




I look forward to building my knowledge base throughout my studies.

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