Terry's GIS Studies and Transition to a New Career

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Module 1--Importing ArcGIS Pro Maps to Adobe Illustrator

This assignment started out quite easily; however, I hit a few snags that I am trying to determine if it was my issue or an update to the software. Overall, it was a neat assignment and I am impressed how I can use ArcGIS Pro, transfer a web map to ArcGIS Online, and then export that map to Adobe Illustrator to actually design the overall map. I am not sure yet, but I think this might solve some of my best recommendations about usability and tools to design a map.

A few lessons learned, so far includes:
--I could not save my files directly from Adobe Illustrator, because it is on my personal laptop, whereas I use the GIS virtual desktop from UWF for all my GIS functions. I overcame this by saving those items to my desktop and then dragging them over to the share drive on the GIS portal. I am waiting to see if there is another method, so I don't continue to do this the hard way.
--I had serious issues finding some of the buttons for tools, especially the toggle lock tool to unlock editing to manipulate my extent. I never did find the tool and I am hoping to resolve this issue.

The results of the lab is the below map which was produced in ArcGIS Pro, exported to ArcGIS Online, and then exported to AI. I know I have a lot to learn, but I look forward to it.
Adobe Illustrator Map of Florida.
In the above map, the counties are outlined in black and colored in pink. Wetlands are colored in green and major cities and the capital are symbolized by dots. Since this was just a lab focused on learning the exporting procedures, I did not modify the symbols, as the cities are difficult to see and Tallahassee blends in with the other major cities symbols. Additionally, there are no essential map elements, as are generally required.

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