Terry's GIS Studies and Transition to a New Career

Saturday, January 25, 2020

ArcGIS Collector and Sharing Maps

Lab 3 was quite fun and creative. I was introduced to ArcGIS Online, which synchronized with ArcGIS Pro at my work station. Additionally, I operated ArcGIS Collector, an intuitive, powerful tool, especially for emergency management personnel. The assignment required me to pinpoint five public safety objects and plot them on a map via Collector (real time or offline). I chose fire hydrants because of their importance and effect on rental insurance premiums.

In ArcGIS Pro, I created domains (parameters and descriptions of the feature class) for the fire hydrants. I portrayed the fire hydrants' condition using a Red-Amber-Green format (with a qualitative definition). The steps were straightforward and intuitive, and the concepts built upon the previous lab assignments.

Once the feature class was complete, populated to my map, and scale and extent were updated, I shared my map as a "Web Layer" with the UWF persons. This option is unavailable unless you are signed into ArcGIS Pro. Once I configured the feature layer and analyzed for errors, I published the map, which populated onto ArcGIS Online (must sign in).

I adjusted the feature layer, I added it to my web map and shared with UWF.  I easily downloaded ArcGIS Collector to my Android phone and added locations and pictures to my map, taking less than 30 seconds per location. The map updated in real time on my phone. When I opened ArcGIS Online, my points were also updated and could be opened on ArcGIS Pro. I was very impressed that all my points, descriptions, and photos were either plotted on my map or available by clicking the location.

My story map is located at  http://arcg.is/1SmXXX if you have access to ArcGIS Online, UWF Group.

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