Terry's GIS Studies and Transition to a New Career

Friday, February 14, 2020

Week 6--Editing

In the second part of Lab 6, I learned to create a new polygon feature and a new road feature. Though raster layers cannot be edited, new features can be added. This portion of the lab was straightforward and intuitive. To create both features, use the Edit tab, Features group, and click the create button. From there, create the feature desired. One caveat is to be cognizant of shadows on buildings as this could affect the overall size and shape of the building. Once the feature is saved, it appears in the attribute table, where the data can be edited (name, elevation, number, etc.).

The next portion of this lab required the creation of a Multiple Ring Buffer (MRB) to surround an eagle's next at 330 ft and 660 ft. Besides adding the picture to My Google Drive and adding the URL to the attribute table, I created the conservation easement using the MRB. This portion was very easy using the MRB Tool (Analysis tab, Tools, search). The only challenge I had was lining up the numbers in the MRB. I never did get it 100% accurate, but I got it close by using trial and error with the different offsets and array options. The resulting map is presented below:

Map 2: Bald Eagle Conservation Easement Using MRB
The above map was the result of the georeferencing in Part I and the editing of Part II. The main map shows UWF roads in red, Campus Lane (the new road feature created) in yellow, UWF buildings in lavender, and building 072 (the building feature created) in green. The MRB is in the lower right inset with the pink at 330ft and the light green at 660ft. In the main map, I placed a photo inset of the actual nest. To orient the viewer, the inset map of Florida displays Escambia County in red and points to the nest via a callout. The legend displays the different colors, the north arrow is oriented toward map north, and I have included sources, author/date, and the RMSE and transformation used. One lesson I learned through trial and error: You can de-select any feature in the expanded legend feature (content pane) by un-checking the box. This will prevent display of the RGB  boxes.

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