Terry's GIS Studies and Transition to a New Career

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Module 7--Rasters

Because of the shortened semester, we were allowed to choose between Module 6 and Module 7. I chose Module 7, which spoke about using rasters. In this module, I learned to import specific spatial analysis tools, ensure spatial analysis licensing was active, and create a raster map.

The module began with importing the typical modules and classes and setting the workspace environment. I then wrote a conditional statement (if/else) that would let me know if  the spatial analysis extension was available. After I checked out the SA extension, I reclassified the landcover map to only show forested land, input elevation, slope, and aspect functions, and then combined the rasters into one raster. Because these are not saved with the program, I added a save statement to ensure the raster was permanent. Because the raster ran, I knew the SA extension was good.

Raster image showing elevation, slope, and aspect for forest landcover

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