Terry's GIS Studies and Transition to a New Career

Saturday, January 25, 2020


In this lab, I learned to download data (from FGDL) and input it into a project. We then explored projections and learned that ArcGIS Pro requires data sets to be in the same projection (on the fly reprojecting) to be displayed together and have full functionality for analysis.

To demonstrate how different projections alter the orientation, size, compression, etc. of map features, I compared four Florida counties. By transforming the county data set to Albers, UTM, and State Plane, I produced three maps with an associated data comparison of area.

I then worked with raster projections and learned to input my chosen coordinate system. This will ensure the JPEG World File (.jgw) will have the correct coordinate system, resulting in a correct location display. I am very comfortable with UTM, because I am in the military and work extensively with MGRS, which is based on UTM.

Comparison of County Area Outputs Using the Albers, UTM, and the State Plane North Projections
Produced by Terry J. Dokey, January 22, 2020

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