Terry's GIS Studies and Transition to a New Career

Friday, June 5, 2020

Module 4--Geoprocessing

During Module 4, I learned several tools to conduct geoprocessing functions using Python and Spyder. This was a much more enjoyable module because it allowed me to actually perform mapping functions. In other words, I saw the reason why we learn Python.

Some of the new tools I learned for Python:
--Model Builder, which actually built a model using a click/drag function and then having it perform the function. This is a much more visual method to use the tool.
--Buffering, to include dissolve.
--Clip, selects, erase tools.
--Add XY coordinates to a shapefile.
--Using the GetMessages() function to add commentary about the function performed.
--Make a toolbox.

Again, a few points to remember:
--Be very cautious of spelling (module, especially).
--Ensure capitalization is consistent with syntax.
--Consistency with quotation marks and contractions.
--Ensure URL of environment is accurate (spelling, slashes, etc.).
--Ensure comments section at top is complete (name, date, etc) using the # symbol.

Feedback of Hospital Script: Add XY Coordinates, Buffer,m Buffer Dissolve
The above screenshot displayed the results of the script written to add XY coordinates to the hospital shapefile, add a buffer, and then diffuse that buffer to a single feature. To complete this assignment, I broke the script into three parts, where I tested each script to ensure it worked properly before going to the next script. I also commented out commentary to explain what each step would perform. I used the GetMessages function to return the start time, date, etc.. I then added a print statement (separately) to return commentary on what the function performed.

All in all, this was an enjoyable module and a welcome change from the previous modules.

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